Socks and Snooze / Keeping Cool (EP1)
Résumé de l'épisode 1
When Emily Elizabeth can't find one of her "lucky" socks for the first day of school, Clifford's determined to hunt it down for her. After a thorough search of her room and an investigation of Flo and Zo's secret kitten stash, he's no closer to victory. On a hunch, he accompanies Mr. Howard to the laundry room where he finds the Sidarskys have turned the sock into a bed for their youngest mouse. Clifford swaps his favorite slipper for the sock, but Emily Elizabeth's happiness more than compensates for his loss. In the end, even Daffodil admits he was right--you shouldn't give up when you're helping a friend. While Evan is baby-sitting Emily Elizabeth and Clifford, he tries to impress Vanessa, the new girl in the building, but all his attempts result in disaster. Finally Evan stops trying so hard and plays with Clifford and Emily. Once he decides to be himself, Vanessa is truly impressed - especially when she sees how good a friend Evan is.