Sweet Charity (EP1)
Résumé de l'épisode 1
In hopes of making a difference at the magazine, Maya suggests that everyone get involved with the charity she's supporting. Convinced that it would make for good publicity, Jack orders the staff to help with a book drive and to pitch in as reading volunteers. But while disappointed in the efforts of the staff, Maya is most upset when her father fails to show up as promised. Chastised by Maya, Jack promises to do anything she wants to help the charity. When Maya doesn't believe him, Jack quickly writes the foundation a check for $50,000. However, his generosity backfires when the foundation chooses Jack, and not Maya, to honor as their Humanitarian of the Year. After watching her father being photographed for the foundation's newsletter with supermodel Amber Smith, Maya is madder than ever about having her efforts overlooked. Yet, when asked to deliver a testimonial to her father's generosity at the awards banquet, Maya declines to use the opportunity to even the score. However, after learning that Amber Smith is being honored, too, Maya explodes in anger at the banquet's hosts, unaware that they've named the award after her.