One Thousand Percent (EP12)
Résumé de l'épisode 12
With only one fight remaining before the live finale, Team Whittaker sits down with their last featherweight to watch tape and analyze her opponents preliminary fight. At the Team Gastelum practice, Kelvin decides to give his team a break and they all play a friendly game of dodgeball. Meanwhile, Team Whittaker's fighter is hard at work at the gym preparing for a tough matchup. As the fight approaches, Team Gastelum's featherweight decides to sit down with her coaches to review her own previous performance. They compare her last opponent to the next challenger and come up with a game plan at practice. At the house, Team Whittaker's featherweight pushes herself to the limit by putting in extra workout sessions in the backyard. Back at the Gastelum practice, their upcoming fighter finally has had enough and she breaks down during the training session. Later, the team rallies behind her at the house to help with a difficult weight cut and the two competitors have an uncomfortable run in with one another. After barely making weight, the two featherweights battle it out in the last fight of the season. Finally, the finalists all face off in anticipation of the live finale.