Voir Rookie Blue, Season 4 - Episode 13

Rookie Blue, Season 4 - Episode 13

You Can See the Stars (EP13)

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Résumé de l'épisode 13

Oliver Shaw is taken hostage and used as a decoy for Kevin Ford’s (ep. 409, 412) ultimate plan to seek revenge on the officers at 15 Division – specifically those who were involved in questioning his involvement with the abduction of Chris Diaz’s son. Many of 15’s officers are sequestered to the station to be kept safe from Ford’s attacks, but Ford out-smarts them and in the end, shoots another officer. While our officers are off dealing with the repercussions of Oliver’s abduction, Dov and Wes argue over what would serve Chloe best for her recovery – with Wes having the upper hand, since he’s still technically married to Chloe, Dov butts heads with him over what Chloe would want. In the end, all our officers are reunited at the hospital -– not knowing whether things will ever be the same…

Extrait de l'épisode 13 de Rookie Blue, Season 4