Eve of Destruction (EP22)
Résumé de l'épisode 22
When Jack's ex-wife Eve drops in unannounced, her long-standing hostilities with him are renewed. Tired of always having her parents fighting, Maya threatens to stop talking to either of them if they can't behave. And hoping it will make things better, she suggests that her mom and dad join her for dinner. Meanwhile, on Jack's invitation, Bill Slatton arrives at the office determined to make the staff work harder. After agreeing to the dinner date, Jack begins to suspect that Eve has come to take back a favorite painting he's supposed to give up as part of their twenty-five year-old divorce settlement. And once Maya lets it slip over dinner that Jack is worried, Eve seizes upon the idea of getting the painting back. Meanwhile, Nina and Finch both find it hard to outwit Bill's efforts. And even though Elliott tries to meet the new standards, Bill sees through his efforts to brown-nose. Seeing that she's again being placed in the crossfire between Jack and Eve, Maya refuses to take sides. However, once Jack is caught pretending to give up the painting, Maya locks her parents inside his office and demands that they learn to stop arguing. Meanwhile, after Bill fires the staff, Jack reveals that he's just a caddie from his golf club who asked for a tour of the magazine. And as Bill is shown the door, Maya is stunned to find her parents have more than made up.