Thunder Struck, Pt. 2 (EP38)
Résumé de l'épisode 38
What's Zeltrax been up to while he's been absent from the show? Seems he and his Triptoids spent time building the Zelzord, the so-called "Ultimate Fighting Machine." Zeltrax, with the de-evilized Elsa as his captive, pilots the Zelzord into Reefside. Conner and Ethan pilot the Thundersaurus and Mezodon Megazords against the Zelzord, while Trent takes care of Triptoids, and Tommy & Kira rescue Elsa and face Zeltrax. The duo manages to save her, and destroy the cyborg once known as Smitty, once and for all. But the Zelzord takes a massive sacrifice of every Dinozord to stop it. Mesogog, having absorbed some power from the Dino Gems, transmogrifies to his ultimate dinosauric form, that of the Mesomonster. The five DinoThunder Rangers battle him fiercely, but even the Battlized Triassic power is unable to defeat him. To make things worse, Mesomonster is replicating! Only by pooling their Dino Gem energies into a giant flaming tyrannosaurus, can Mesogog be made extinct permanetly. Unfortunately, that last trick taps out the powers of the Dino Gems for good. Devin and Cassidy, having recorded this final battle, confront the team, and hand over the tape, admitting they couldn't exploit their friendship for personal gain after all they've done. At the Reefside 2004 senior prom, the couples include Devin & Cassidy, Conner & Krista (from "The Passion Of Conner"), and Ethan & Angela, the girl he met last episode. Kira and her band perform the music. As for Trent, he's going to art school in the fall, The humanized Elsa seems to be the new principal of the school, and she & Anton Mercer seem to be a blossoming item. As for Tommy? He's going to try to live the quiet life for once, by settling down and continuing teaching.