House Training / Dare Devil Bear / Paddington the Rock Star (EP4)
Résumé de l'épisode 4
Paddington finds a lost dog and Mr. Curry offers to keep it in his house provided Paddington split the reward money. And provided Paddington take care of it. And train it. And put up the found posters. And... / There's nothing more exciting than an air show. Especially if the star attraction is a wing walking bear. Paddington's less than enthusiastic when he finds out he has to walk on the wing - when the plane is actually in the air. Thanks to some Paddington logic, he sticks to that wing like glue. / The great Jive Chive is coming to town and Paddington will be going to his first ever rock concert. In a classic "Prince and the Pauper" switch, Paddington finds himself on stage grooving to the beat.