Season 2, Episode 15: Jeannie Breaks the Bank (EP45)
Résumé de l'épisode 45
Because Jeannie has run up a staggering food bill, Tony is unable to join Roger in buying a sailboat. Jeannie goes to the bank with Tony to borrow money for his share. They overhear Wilfred, a bank officer, refuse a loan to a widow until she can produce collateral. When Wilfred checks Tony's Christmas Club account, Jeannie changes the balance to over three million dollars. When Wilfred tries to lend him more money than he wants, Tony questions his refusal of the widow. Misunderstanding, Wilfred makes out a check of a thousand dollars for the widow, and gives Tony the money he asked for. Dr. Bellows tells Gen. Peterson that Tony is a millionaire. Peterson warns if he's wrong, Bellows will have to see a psychoanalyst. Tony, Peterson and Bellows go to the bank to check on the story. Jeannie reduces Tony's account to its original sum and shifts the three million dollars to Bellows' account. Bellows decides to see an analyst. Tony suggests that Wilfred should feel a rolling deck under his feet. Jeannie blinks -- Tony and Wilfred find themselves at sea aboard a raft.