The Ol’ Raise and Switch! (EP8)
Résumé de l'épisode 8
Professor Kukui has given the class an intriguing assignment: everyone switches Pokémon partners for the weekend! Each new pairing has a few bumps in the road at first—Snowy refuses to eat under Ash’s care, and Kiawe just doesn’t know how to handle a Water type like Popplio. Soon, though, the temporary partners prove themselves to each other! After a successful battle, Lillie happily cuddles Pikachu. Ash and Snowy find their bond through training. Steenee’s soothing Sweet Scent helps Sophocles fall asleep. Togedemaru is a whiz at helping Mallow clean the restaurant, and Popplio pitches in at Kiawe’s farm while Lana and her sisters groom Turtonator to a sparkling shine!