Season 3, Episode 29: Operation: First Couple on the Moon (EP86)
Résumé de l'épisode 86
Jeannie II offers to make sure Tony doesn't get to the moon with a woman. After describing beautiful modern scientists, Dr. Bellows introduces homely Dr. Murdock. Tony persuades him to pick a married couple, then meets Prof. Swanson, who moonlights as a cocktail waitress. Jeannie II poses as Dr. Rita Walters. A computer matches Tony with Prof. Swanson but the final choice depends on a physical fitness test. Prof. Swanson is agile but eclipsed by Jeannie III, who will train with Tony. She assures Jeannie they won't go to the moon - she wants to go to Venus with Tony. Roger woos Prof. Swanson until her fiancée, Turk Parker, a professional linebacker, arrives. Jeannie reveals Dr. Walters is Jeannie II, but declares she'll be terrified when she's locked up in the simulated moon house. As Dr. Bellows observes on TV, Tony tries to panic Jeannie II, but gets hysterical himself. Trying weightlessness, he floats to the ceiling. Jeannie II calmly follows Bellows' instructions and crashes Tony to the floor. Jeannie can't understand until she realizes her sister felt secure with Tony. Tony lures Jeannie II into a cylinder, slams on the lid, and finally disposes of it as ''Classified Trash." In the moon house, Jeannie wants to go to the moon with Tony. Trying to leave her alone, Tony is pinned to the wall, then crashes off. Dr. Bellows decides to go to the moon himself. He scrubs the projects when Turk punches him in the eye. As Tony leaves for a party to meet some beautiful twins, Jeannie pins him to the wall again.