Liste des épisodes à télécharger légalement
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 2 (EPISODE:2 The Beast)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Having piloted Eva-01, Shinji survives the fierce battle with the Angel and istaken in by Misato. An unknown city with unknown people. Even the ceiling hestares at in Misato’s apartment is unknown to him. Shinji is racked withmemories...
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021The Eleventh Angel is the size of bacteria and begins infecting NERV facilitiesas it evolves at an alarming rate. The Angel finally succeeds in hacking theMAGI System and commanding NERV headquarters to self-destruct. Ritsukoproposes to...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 11 (EPISODE:11 The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Tokyo-3 is plunged into an unexpected blackout. Gendo and Fuyutsuki judgethat the blackout is sabotage and struggle to maintain order. Then the NinthAngel attacks. Shinji and the others hurry to NERV headquarters. There theyare met with...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 12 (EPISODE:12 She said, "Don't make others suffer for your personal hatred.")
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021The Tenth Angel drops itself from outside of the atmosphere to strike a directhit on NERV headquarters. Misato proposes a strategy that has only a0.00001% chance of success and Ritsuko accuses her of acting out of her owndesire for...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 10 (EPISODE:10 Magmadiver)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021The Eighth Angel is discovered in a chrysalis state in a volcanic crater. NERVannounces A-17, a strategy to retrieve the Angel while it’s still alive. PilotingEVA-02, Asuka descends into the volcano. However, then the Angel begins...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 9 (EPISODE:9 Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021The Seventh Angel, having been cut in half by EVA-02, splits into two entitiesand defeats the EVA. The only way to defeat the two Angels is by applying aheavy load to both cores at the same time. Misato begins training Shinji andAsuka to...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 8 (EPISODE:8 Asuka STRIKES!)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Misato and Shinji head to the Pacific Fleet, which is transporting EVA-02 andmeet the Second Children, Asuka Langley Soryu, and Misato’s ex-boyfriend,Ryoji Kaji. The strong-willed Asuka sees Shinji as a rival but then the Sixth...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 7 (EPISODE:7 A HUMAN WORK)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021To compete with NERV’s EVA, Japan Heavy Chemical Industry constructs J.A.(JET ALONE). However, J.A. goes berserk during its product demonstration.Now J.A.'s nuclear reactor is in danger of going into meltdown. Misato boards J.A.
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 6 (EPISODE:6 Rei II)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Shinji is on the brink of death after taking a direct attack from the Fifth Angel’sparticle beam. Meanwhile, Misato devises Operation Yashima to defeat theAngel by harnessing all of Japan’s electricity. This is the beginning of a...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 4 (EPISODE:4 Hedgehog's Dilemma)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Shinji leaves Misato’s apartment and wanders the streets of Tokyo-3. He finds amoment of brief respite with his classmate Kensuke, but the next morning he istaken in by the adults from NERV. He is then met with the harshness of...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 5 (EPISODE:5 Rei I)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Young Rei Ayanami shows no emotion and avoids contact with others. Shinjiattempts to approach her, as she has a closer relationship with his father thanhe ever had. But she shows no indication of opening her heart to him.Meanwhile, an...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 3 (EPISODE:3 A transfer)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Shinji is unable to make friends after transferring into his new school. He isconfronted by Toji, whose sister was injured in a battle between an Angel andan EVA. No one understands how Shinji feels. At that moment, a siren alertingthe...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [Volume 1] (English Subtitles) Episode 1 (EPISODE:1 ANGEL ATTACK)
Date de diffusion: : 02 Novembre 2021Upon arriving in Tokyo-3, young Shinji Ikari is met with a desperate battlebetween a horrific Angel and the United Nations army. He heads to theheadquarters of the paramilitary organization NERV and reunites with his fatherGendo, who...