Télécharger Rookie Blue, Season 4 [ 13 épisodes ]

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Télécharger Rookie Blue, Season 5 Episode 1

Rookie Blue, Season 5 Episode 1 (Blink)

Date de diffusion: : 19 Mai 2014
With Sam headed into the O.R. and Chloe in critical care, Andy and Dov try to take a break from the night’s traumatic events (Ep. 413) and head to an all-night diner to pull themselves together. But their desire to regroup and “not...
Télécharger Rookie Blue, Season 2 Episode 5

Rookie Blue, Season 2 Episode 5 (Stung)

Date de diffusion: : 21 Juillet 2011
When an impromptu takedown jeopardizes a 15 Division sting in a car dealership, Dov and Chris are tasked with booking the suspect, Marco Forlan – a career criminal who offers up the location of a grow-op in return for leniency. Dov...